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Lyste opp Guds ord
Etter reformasjonen renses kirkene for katolske helgenbilder, relikvier og andre symboler på den gamle troen. I de protestantiske kirkene er prekestolen midtpunktet i rommet og det talte ord er nå det mest sentrale innholdet i gudstjenesten.
Initialene på lysholderen viser at den blir gitt i gave av borgermester Bent Swensson og hans kone Mette Christensdatter Thrane i 1658. Det er vanlig at medlemmer av de danske embetsfamiliene gifter seg med hverandre. Ofte gir de flotte gaver til kirken.
Shedding light on the word of God
After the Reformation, churches were cleared of the images of Catholic saints, relics and other symbols belonging to the old faith. In the new Protestant churches, the pulpit now becomes the centrepiece, and the spoken word the most important aspect of religious services.
The initials on the candlestick indicate that it was donated by Mayor Bent Swensson and his wife Mette Christensdatter Thrane in 1658. It is common for members of the families of Danish officials to marry each other, and they often donate ornate gifts to the church.